Who are consulting foresters and what makes them different?
A consulting forester is a professional forester with a degree from a university. A consultant’s role is offering advice to clients on a fee or contractual basis. Consultants are self-employed or work under another small consultancy. Their main focus is the private forest owner who hires them.
On the other hand, some foresters contract with businesses like forest product companies, timber buyers, logging contractors, etc. These foresters may use the term “consultant” when their main concern is the company they work for. However, true consultants are independent; they only give services to private forest owners.
It’s important to know the difference between a consulting forester and other types of foresters. While both are useful and important to the field, a consultant’s expertise is working one-on-one with his clients. He conducts a more personal relationship with his clients and their forestland. Without the use of middlemen, consulting foresters can better understand their clients goals and wishes.