Timber Sale Update: CREW Knows Land & Timber
CREW Knows Land
When it comes to all things land and timber, it’s important to know what you’re doing. Most timberland owners have little to no idea all that possessing timber entails. They don’t have to carry this burden alone, though! Some of the only people who have extensive timber knowledge are foresters. That’s why it’s so important to work one-on-one with a forestry consultant when you’re dealing with land!
The foresters at CREW have decades of experience working with clients and land. They know the ins and outs of forestry management plans, the worth and pricing of timber, and so much more. When buying, selling or owning land, work with someone who can guide and teach you along the way! CREW Land Co knows and has the experience to get you the best deal.
In this short clip, Rob shares some of his expertise while working on a job. He’s out on the edge of Lamar and Pearl River county working on a job for Southeast Forestlands. He talks about the property, timberland, age of pine trees and much more. When working with him or any other forester at CREW, you’ll get to participate in this knowledge! #CREW Knows Land!